Lake Martin Real Estate

Pre Season Wake Training

Last month in LAKE magazine, I discussed preseason training and looked at a few sports specific exercises that I’ve been using to accomplish more balance and strength. I briefly mentioned the use of cardio exercise and how HIIT- hi intensity interval training was incorporated into my regimen. There are several ways to build a strong cardio program for us as writers behind the boat. I think it is the one thing we all want to skip and after reading joe manganiello’s book Evolution he in no uncertain terms states cardio is extremely important part of the “chain” we build and uses both long slow and high-intensity cardio.

HIIT training can be done in any number of ways but simplistically let’s just start with sprints. Keep in mind, any program can be modified to start as a beginner in evolve to advanced. Sprint times can be shorter and rest longer or use higher or lower speeds and you can change your incline when you’re using a treadmill. As we all know, is nice it is to be able to run outside but the treadmill has definitely found place in my routine due to the scientific manner of control of your incline and speed. I know exactly how fast and how steep each workout will be unlike running the open road. Sprints are a great HIIT cardio and starting with a 5 to 10 minute warm-up, be it walking or slow jog, do 20 so second sprint and 40 seconds rest. I prefer to start my first sprint at five incline and 10 speed. I like to grow them both over the course of a 10 or 15 minute sprint session. I will also grow the time of the sprint and reduce the time of the rest. If you happen to have one and want to really make it difficult, throw on a weight vest for a couple sprints. Doing a 5 to 10 minute cool-down walk or light jog. You can always change the medium of your cardio from a treadmill to something like a bike or even elliptical and do 20 seconds of intense and 40 seconds rest . This is a great high heart rate cardio session.

Admittedly, I like the low intensity long duration cardio better. I read in Joe’s book about a method he uses; walking at a high incline and low speed. Obviously the speed and incline can be catered to your beginning point and level. He suggested 3.5 speed and 10 to 12 incline. The workout is a little vague so here’s what I have found very effective. A 5-10 minute warm-up at at 3.5 speed . After 10 minutes grow the incline one every minute until you’re at an incline at 10. Obviously given your level you could go higher. Also growing the speed every few minutes by 1/10. When I started this workout 30 minutes at 3.5 and 10 incline was pretty brutal, but it got easier and the times for the workout got longer. Joe was exactly right describing the workout in the book and about hitting walls at certain times in the course of an hour but sometimes it feels like you can walk forever. Modifying these two types of workouts in your preseason cardio training will help for long riding sessions. The days when you are really trying to learn a new trick and go after it repeatedly. you not being exhausted and gasping for air but instead anticipating the boat to get back so you’re up and charging it again.

Train hard, hope to see you on the water soon,

Lake Martin Pre Season Training