Lake Martin Real Estate

Vacation, Thanksgiving and then 2 days in a row behind the boat

Well the vacation to San Diego was amazing, I got to meet the guys at Victoria Skimboards and go out to Aliso and learned how to skim (and fall alot) then a great Thanksgiving w/ the family and friends.. and finally made it out behind a boat for a wakeboard/wakesurf session… I’m out of riding shape bad.. and the cold had nothing to do w/ it.. I did ride a Slingshot “Choice” and really dug the board, look forward to trying one that is a bit longer for me.. I rode teh wakesurfer (my victoria factor) w/ a different rainbow fin, a tiny 2.5 inch mini longboard type fin.. it had ton of hold but the drag out weighed the good.. i then rode it finless… it was a blast! i wouldn’t do it all the time, but it was fun.. super loose, i mean SUPER loose.. i couldn’t stop spinning when i started.. the next day i took the stock fin and cut it down to about an .8 and i love it, i would say it needs to be a longer tip to tail fin, but cutting over an inch off that fin gave the board a loose feel that you could control. i took one long session on it like that and then jumped on a bigfoot that had the larger stock fin on it.. i love that board too.. it’s so easy to ride. the boat was set up for wake to wake surfing and it was 2x as easy on the bigfoot. i’m going to end up riding a med in big wake day, large for the don’t knows and a bigfoot for any smaller boat wakes and days i just want to not worry about it at all.. just play and have fun..nothing like having a full quiver to pick out of 😉